How to Create an Online Store in Hostinger Website Builder

Creating an online store with Hostinger Website Builder is a straightforward process that anyone can follow. In this guide, I’ll walk you through the steps to add and customize your online store, ensuring you can get your products online quickly and efficiently.

Step 1: Accessing the Online Store Feature

Start by logging into your Hostinger Website Builder account and navigating to your website’s homepage. Look for the Online Store icon on your dashboard. Click on this icon to begin the process of adding a store to your site.

Step 2: Adding the Store

Once you’ve clicked the Online Store icon, simply hit the Add Store button. This action will instantly add a new store section to your website. Remember, after making changes, you need to update your website to reflect these changes online.

Step 3: Viewing Your Changes

To ensure that your store is properly added, click on the Publish button to update your site. After publishing, visit your website to see the store link automatically integrated into your navigation menu.

Step 4: Final Adjustments

Now that your store is live, take some time to review its appearance and functionality. Make any necessary adjustments to ensure that your store looks and performs as you want it to.

Special Offer

Before you go, don’t miss out on my special offer! I’ve created two free online video courses to help you get the most out of Hostinger:

  1. Hosting and WordPress Management – A comprehensive guide to managing your Hostinger hosting and WordPress sites.
  2. Hostinger Website Builder Basics – Learn how to use Hostinger Website Builder to create basic websites and online shops.

You can access both courses for free by clicking the link in the description below.

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