How to Edit a Section Background in Squarespace

Welcome to another tutorial on Ben’s Experience! Today, we’re diving into how to edit a section background in Squarespace. Whether you want to enhance the visual appeal of your site or make specific sections stand out, changing the background can make a significant difference. Let’s walk through the process step-by-step.

1. Access Your Squarespace Account

Start by logging into your Squarespace account. Enter your email address and password on the login page. Once you’re logged in, you’ll be taken to the Squarespace dashboard.

2. Select the Website to Edit

From the dashboard, locate the website you want to work on. Click on the “Website” button below the desired site.

3. Navigate to the Page You Want to Edit

On the left side menu, click on “Pages” to view all the pages on your site. Select the page you wish to edit. For this example, we’ll work on the “About” page.

4. Enter Editing Mode

Click on the “Edit” button at the top of the page. This will put you into editing mode where you can make changes to your page.

5. Edit the Section Background

To edit the background of a section, first, select the section you want to modify. Then, click on “Edit Section” and navigate to the “Background” tab.

6. Choose Your Background Type

Here, you can choose to add an image, video, or art to your section background. For this tutorial, we’ll focus on adding an image:

  • Click on the “+” icon to upload a file.
  • Locate and select the photo you want to use from your computer.
  • Double-click the photo to upload it.

The image will be instantly applied to the section background.

7. Save Your Changes

Don’t forget to save your work by clicking the save button in the corner. This ensures that all your changes are updated on the live site.

Pro Tip: Enhance Your Squarespace Skills

If you’re looking to become a pro at Squarespace, I highly recommend joining my free Squarespace University course. This comprehensive course covers everything from getting started with Squarespace to advanced customization techniques and best practices. Check it out at for more information.

By following these steps, you can easily update the background of any section on your Squarespace website. If you found this guide helpful, please give this post a like and consider subscribing to my YouTube channel for more tips and tutorials.

Thank you for reading, and happy editing!

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