How to Create a Website with Hostinger (Website Builder & WordPress)

Hey everyone, welcome to Ben’s Experience! In this post, I’ll show you how to create a website using Hostinger. We’ll cover both the Hostinger Website Builder and WordPress options, giving you a comprehensive guide to building your online presence.

Creating a Website with Hostinger Website Builder
  • Log into Your Hostinger Account:

  • Navigate to the ‘Websites’ tab at the top of your dashboard.Click on ‘Add Website.’
  • Choose Your Website Builder:
  • You can select either WordPress or Hostinger Website Builder. For this example, we’ll go with Hostinger Website Builder.
  • Using AI or Pre-made Templates:
  • You have the option to create your website using AI or pre-made templates. I’ll choose AI for this tutorial.Click on ‘Start Creating.’
  • Define Your Website:
  • Select your website type (e.g., blog).Enter your brand name.Describe your site idea as if you are explaining it to a web developer. You can either type your description or use voice input (voice input works only in English).Example description: “Create me an outdoor blog where I can share my adventures, tips, and videos. I want this site to promote my other social media profiles.”
  • Personalize Your Site:
  • Choose your colors from pre-selected options or use the color picker tool. I’ll go with ‘Surprise Me.’Click on ‘Create Website.’
  • Preview and Customize:
  • Review the generated site. You’ll see a header, background photo, titles, a blog section, community section, contact form, and an adventure gallery.You can connect your Instagram to automatically display your latest images.
  • Finalize and Go Live:
  • Add any legal pages if needed.Click on ‘Go Live’ to publish your website.
  • Creating a Website with WordPress on Hostinger
  • Return to the Websites Tab:

  • Click on ‘Add New Website.’Select ‘WordPress.’
  • Set Up Your WordPress Site:
  • Choose your site language.Enter your email address and create an administrator password.Click ‘Next.’
  • Select Your Website Type:
  • I want to create a blog website, so I’ll select that option and hit ‘Next.’
  • Choose a Theme:
  • Preview the available themes powered by Astra.Select the theme you like. I’ll go with one of the pre-built templates.
  • Install Plugins:
  • Choose the plugins you want. I’ll select ‘Google Site Kit’ and deselect the others.Click ‘Next.’
  • Set Up Your Domain:
  • Enter your domain name. If your domain is not ready, you can use a temporary domain.Confirm ownership of your domain and click ‘Next.’
  • Access Your WordPress Control Panel:
  • Your WordPress website control panel is ready.Click on the provided link to visit your new website.
  • And that’s how you create a website using Hostinger’s Website Builder and WordPress. Don’t forget to like this post and subscribe to my YouTube channel for more tutorials!

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