How to Assign a Domain in Bluehost

Assigning a domain in Bluehost is a crucial step in establishing your online presence. Whether you’re transferring a domain from another provider or setting up a brand-new website, Bluehost makes the process straightforward. In this guide, I’ll walk you through the steps to assign a domain in Bluehost, ensuring that your domain is properly linked and ready to use.

Step 1: Access Your Bluehost Account

First, log in to your Bluehost account. Once inside, navigate to the ‘Website’ section. If you want to assign your domain to an existing website, click on ‘Settings’ under the website you wish to modify.

Step 2: Add Your Domain

Next, go to the ‘Domains’ tab and click on ‘Add Domain.’ Here, you’ll enter the domain name you wish to assign. For example, if you’re transferring a domain from DreamHost, simply copy the domain name and paste it into the provided field in Bluehost. Once you’ve entered the domain name, click ‘Continue.’

Step 3: Configure DNS Settings

After assigning your domain, you’ll need to update your DNS settings. Under the ‘DNS’ section, click on ‘Finish Setup’ and copy the first name server provided by Bluehost. Go back to your domain name provider (e.g., DreamHost), and locate the ‘Name Servers’ settings. Replace the existing name servers with those provided by Bluehost, and save your changes.

Step 4: Check Domain Assignment

To ensure your domain is properly assigned, visit the website linked to your new domain. If you encounter an error, don’t panic—DNS changes can take anywhere from a few minutes to 48 hours to fully propagate. Just wait and periodically refresh your browser.

Assigning a Domain to a New Website

If you’re assigning a domain to a new website in Bluehost, the process is similar. Go back to the ‘Website’ page and click on ‘Add Website.’ During the domain assignment process, you’ll have the option to install WordPress, transfer an existing WordPress site, or create an empty website. After selecting your preference, enter your domain name and click ‘Continue.’

Repeat the DNS configuration steps mentioned above to ensure your domain is correctly linked to your new website. Once your DNS changes take effect, you’ll be able to visit your new website with the assigned domain.

Final Steps: SSL Certificate

Lastly, ensure your website is secure by verifying the SSL certificate. After assigning your domain, check the SSL status in Bluehost. If it’s still in progress, keep refreshing your website until the SSL certificate is fully installed.

By following these steps, you’ll have successfully assigned a domain in Bluehost, whether for an existing or a new website. If you found this guide helpful, don’t forget to leave a comment below!

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