How to Add Booking to Squarespace

Welcome to Ben’s Experience! In this tutorial, I will guide you through the process of adding a booking system to your Squarespace website. By following these steps, you can integrate a seamless booking feature for your visitors.

Step 1: Log in to Squarespace

Go to and log in to your account by entering your email address and password. If you don’t have an account, you can sign up using your Google account.

Step 2: Navigate to Your Website

Once logged in, select the website where you want to add the booking system. Click on the website button below your desired site.

Step 3: Create a New Page

Go to the Pages section and create a blank page named “Booking.” Press Enter on your keyboard to confirm.

Step 4: Enter Editing Mode

Click on the button at the top to enter editing mode. Add a blank section by clicking the “Add Section” button.

Step 5: Add a Code Block

Click the “Add Block” button and search for the “Code” block. You can choose either the standard code block or the “Inline Code” block. Insert the code block and make it larger for better visibility.

Step 6: Sign Up for Calendly

If you don’t already have a Calendly account, sign up using your Google account. Provide the necessary permissions and set up your calendar. Choose how you plan to use Calendly, your role, and how the calendar will be used.

Step 7: Set Up Available Hours

Select the calendar to add new events and set your available hours. For example, if you work Monday through Thursday, set your working hours from 8 AM to 6 PM. You can add multiple time slots if needed. Ensure you select the correct time zone.

Step 8: Configure Meeting Preferences

Choose how you would like to meet with clients (e.g., in person) and set the location.

Step 9: Embed Calendly in Squarespace

After setting up your Calendly, go back to your Squarespace editing page. Click on the event you created, hit the “Share” button, and select “Add to Website.” Choose “Inline Embed,” copy the provided code, and paste it into the code block on your Squarespace page. Save your changes.

Step 10: Customize Your Booking Page

Preview your booking page to see the embedded Calendly booking system. You can edit session durations, event names, locations, and descriptions. Additionally, you can customize the booking form by adding questions and selecting answer types (e.g., multiple lines, radio buttons).

Step 11: Enable Notifications

From the notifications panel, enable reminders like email or text follow-ups to keep clients informed. Save your changes and exit editing mode to preview the final booking page.

By following these steps, you have successfully added a booking system to your Squarespace website. This integration provides a seamless experience for your visitors, allowing them to book appointments directly through your site.

Don’t forget to check out my free Squarespace course at for more detailed tutorials and advanced customization tips.

Thank you for reading, and happy booking!

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