How to Add a Contact Form in Hostinger Website Builder

Welcome to Ben’s Experience! In this tutorial, I’ll guide you through the process of adding a contact form in Hostinger website builder. A contact form is a valuable feature that allows your visitors to reach out to you directly from your website.

Step-by-Step Guide to Adding a Contact Form

  1. Access the Hostinger Website Builder: Start by logging into your Hostinger account and opening your website builder.
  2. Select the Contact Form Element: Navigate to the elements section and choose the contact form element. Drag and drop it onto your webpage.
  3. Resize and Edit the Form: You can adjust the size of the contact form to fit your design. Click on the form to edit its details. Change the form name and the email address that will receive the form submissions.
  4. Customize Form Fields: Go to the fields tab to edit the form fields. Rename labels, change field types (e.g., text, email, phone number), and decide whether fields are required. You can also remove fields or reorder them as needed.
  5. Edit the Button and Confirmation Settings: In the button tab, customize the button text (e.g., “Send”) and the submission confirmation message. You can also set up a redirect to another page after a successful form submission.
  6. Style the Form: Change the appearance of the form fields, including the background color and adding animations to enhance the user experience.
  7. View Form Submissions: To check form submissions, go to the website settings and find the form submissions section. Here, you can view a list of all submissions received through the contact form.

Alternative Method: Using a Contact Form Section

If you prefer, you can use a dedicated contact form section. Click on “Add Section,” select “Contact Form,” and choose from the available templates. Customize the template to suit your needs and add it to your website.

Final Steps

After adding and customizing your contact form, don’t forget to update your website to save the changes.

Adding a contact form in Hostinger website builder is a straightforward process that enhances your site’s functionality and improves user interaction. Whether you choose to use the contact form element or a dedicated section, Hostinger makes it easy to set up and manage your contact forms.

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