Exploring Hostinger hPanel: Is it Better than cPanel?

In the world of web hosting, having a reliable and user-friendly control panel is essential for managing your websites effectively. Hostinger offers its users a powerful control panel called hPanel. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the features and functionalities of Hostinger’s hPanel sharing my opinion comparing it to the well-known cPanel (). Join us as we uncover how hPanel simplifies website management and empowers users with its intuitive interface and robust set of tools.

Logging in and Welcoming Page

Upon logging into your Hostinger hosting account, you’ll be greeted by the welcoming page of hPanel. This page provides quick access to your hosting accounts and email accounts, allowing you to effortlessly navigate between different aspects of your hosting environment.

The Top Bar

hPanel’s top bar serves as a centralized hub, granting you easy access to various sections. From Websites and Hosting to Emails, Domains, VPS, and Billing, the top bar offers a comprehensive set of options, enabling you to oversee and manage different aspects of your hosting infrastructure.

Managing Websites

With hPanel, managing websites becomes a breeze. The Websites page allows you to view your current websites, create new ones, or migrate existing websites seamlessly. When you click on the “Manage” button next to a specific website, you are taken to the most crucial page for website management.

The Website Management Page

This page is the heart of hPanel, providing an array of essential options and tools for efficiently managing your website. It features convenient shortcuts to significant functions like daily backups, file manager, databases, and auto installer.

Additionally, the left side menu presents an extensive range of tools, options, and features organized into categories such as:


The “Hosting” section in hPanel allows you to manage various aspects of your hosting environment. Here, you can view your current hosting plan details, upgrade or downgrade your plan as needed.


The “Performances” section is dedicated to optimizing the performance of your website. It provides tools and settings to enhance the speed and efficiency of your site. You can enable and manage features like Cloudflare CDN (Content Delivery Network), which improves website loading times. This section also allows you to adjust settings to optimize performance.


In the “Security” section, you’ll find a range of features to enhance the security of your website and protect it from threats. You can enable and manage features such as SSL/TLS certificates to secure your website with HTTPS.


The “Email” section enables you to manage your email accounts associated with your hosting plan. Here, you can create new email accounts, set up email forwarding, manage spam filters, and configure email clients. Hostinger’s hPanel offers a user-friendly interface to handle your email communication efficiently.


The “Domains” section provides you with comprehensive domain management capabilities. You can register new domains, transfer existing domains to your hosting account, configure DNS settings, set up domain redirects, and manage subdomains. This section simplifies the management of all your domains within hPanel, making it easy to keep track of your online presence.


The “Website” section focuses on the management and configuration of your website itself. Here, you can access the website builder tool (if available), install popular CMS platforms like WordPress or Joomla with the auto-installer, manage website backups, and access the file manager to upload, edit, or delete website files.


The “Files” section provides a file management interface where you can upload, organize, and modify your website files directly within hPanel. It offers features such as file upload, directory creation, file editing, file permissions management, and the ability to compress or extract files. This section is essential for managing your website’s file structure.


The “Databases” section allows you to manage your website’s databases effortlessly. You can create new databases, manage existing ones, configure database users and permissions, access the phpMyAdmin interface for advanced database management, and perform backups and restores of your database content.


The “Advanced” section caters to users who require more advanced settings and configurations. It provides access to features such as SSH access, Git integration, CRON job management, and the ability to view activity log. This section is useful for experienced users who want greater control and flexibility over their hosting environment.


The “Account” section contains various account-related settings related to Stop running processes and Reset your Account.

Hosting Section

The Hosting section in hPanel allows you to easily acquire new hosting plans or manage your existing ones. Whether you need to renew your hosting package or upgrade to a higher tier, the Hosting section offers seamless control over your hosting environment.

Email Functionality

hPanel doesn’t disappoint when it comes to email management. With Hostinger’s Premium web hosting plan, you can create professional-looking email accounts and even integrate them with Gmail for a streamlined email experience.

Domains Management

The Domains section in hPanel simplifies domain management by enabling you to acquire new domain names or transfer your existing domains to your hosting account. This integrated feature saves time and effort by centralizing all your domain-related tasks within hPanel.

Accessing Support

Hostinger understands the importance of providing reliable support to its users. In hPanel, accessing support is some clicks away. By clicking on the question mark icon in the top right corner, you gain access to a wealth of resources and assistance, ensuring prompt resolution of any queries or issues you may encounter.

Hostinger hPanel VS cPanel: Which One Gives the Best Control Panel Experience?

One of the standout features of Hostinger’s hPanel is its simplicity, which sets it apart from the more complex cPanel. If we draw a comparison to the world of smartphones, hPanel can be likened to the user-friendly experience of an iPhone, while cPanel represents the feature-rich but potentially overwhelming nature of an Android device.

Similar to an iPhone’s intuitive interface and streamlined user experience, hPanel offers a clean and straightforward design that allows users to navigate effortlessly through its various sections and features. It presents information and options in a manner that is easy to understand, making website management accessible even for those with limited technical expertise.

On the other hand, cPanel, like an Android device, boasts a wealth of advanced features and customization options. While this can be appealing to users seeking extensive control and flexibility, it can also be overwhelming for beginners or those looking for a simpler solution.

Just as an iPhone provides a seamless and user-friendly experience, hPanel prioritizes ease of use without sacrificing functionality. It presents essential tools and features in a logical and organized manner, empowering users to efficiently manage their websites, email accounts, domains, and other hosting aspects without feeling overwhelmed by an abundance of options.

Whether you prefer the simplicity and ease of use offered by hPanel or the extensive features and customization capabilities of cPanel, Hostinger provides you with the freedom to choose the control panel that best suits your needs. With hPanel, you can experience a user-friendly interface that simplifies website management while still offering a comprehensive set of tools to build and maintain your online presence.

In addition to its simplicity, Hostinger’s hPanel also boasts several unique features that set it apart from cPanel. These features provide added convenience and functionality, further enhancing the website management experience. Let’s explore some of hPanel’s standout features:

  1. Speed Test: hPanel offers a built-in speed test feature that allows you to assess the performance of your website. By conducting a speed test, you can gather valuable insights into your site’s loading times, helping you identify areas for improvement and optimize your website’s performance.
  2. Change Server Location: With hPanel, you have the ability to change the server location of your website. This feature comes in handy if you want to target a specific geographic region or if you wish to relocate your website to a server closer to your target audience. By selecting the most suitable server location, you can enhance website speed and performance for your visitors.
  3. Analytics: hPanel integrates powerful website analytics functionality, providing you with valuable insights into your website’s traffic, user behavior, and performance. Accessing analytics data directly within hPanel eliminates the need for third-party tools, simplifying the process of monitoring and understanding your website’s performance metrics.
  4. Website Migration: One of the standout features of hPanel is its seamless website migration capabilities. Whether you are moving your website from another hosting provider or transferring it between Hostinger accounts, hPanel streamlines the migration process. With just a few steps, you can ask Hostinger team to migrate your website for you.
  5. Import/Copy Website: hPanel simplifies the process of importing or copying websites. If you have a backup of your website or if you want to duplicate an existing site, hPanel provides straightforward options to import or copy the website files and databases.

By offering these unique features, hPanel goes beyond the functionalities typically found in cPanel. These additions further contribute to the user-friendly experience and convenience of managing your website within the hPanel control panel. With hPanel, you not only benefit from a simplified interface but also enjoy the added convenience of features such as speed testing, server location changes, analytics, website migration, and website importing/copying.


Hostinger’s hPanel emerges as a powerful and user-friendly control panel that simplifies website management for users of all levels of expertise. From its intuitive interface to its extensive range of features, hPanel empowers webmasters with the tools they need to efficiently manage their websites and hosting environment.

Remember to visit our blog regularly for more informative content on web hosting, control panels, and industry updates.

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