How to Use FileZilla in InfinityFree

If you’re looking to manage your files on InfinityFree hosting, using FileZilla can be a game-changer. FileZilla is a free FTP client that allows you to easily transfer files between your computer and your hosting account. In this guide, I’ll walk you through the steps of using FileZilla with InfinityFree, from installation to file management.

Step 1: Download and Install FileZilla

The first step is to download and install FileZilla. Go to FileZilla’s official website and look for the “Download FileZilla Client” button. Opt for the free version, which is sufficient for most users. Once downloaded, double-click the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to install FileZilla on your computer.

Step 2: Retrieve Your FTP Credentials from InfinityFree

To connect FileZilla to your InfinityFree hosting account, you’ll need your FTP credentials. Here’s how to find them:

  1. Go to InfinityFree and log in using your email address and password.
  2. Navigate to your hosting account and click on the “Account Options” menu.
  3. Select “FTP Details” to view your FTP username, password, and host name.

Copy these credentials as you will need them to configure FileZilla.

Step 3: Configure FileZilla

Open FileZilla and enter your FTP credentials:

  1. In the “Host” field, paste the FTP host name from InfinityFree.
  2. Enter your FTP username and password.
  3. Click “Quick Connect” to establish a connection.

You should now be connected to your InfinityFree hosting account.

Step 4: Upload Files to Your Website

To upload files, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the “htdocs” folder on the remote side of the FileZilla interface. This is where your website files should be placed.
  2. Drag and drop the files you wish to upload from your local computer to the “htdocs” folder.

You can also upload multiple files by selecting them with the Shift key and dragging them to the remote folder. If you encounter any issues, you can overwrite files or resume uploads as needed.

Step 5: Optimize File Transfers

For smoother transfers, especially if you have a slow internet connection:

  1. Go to FileZilla’s settings (under “Edit” > “Settings”).
  2. In the “Transfers” section, set the “Maximum simultaneous transfers” to a lower number, such as 1, if you have slow internet.
  3. You can also limit the upload speed if necessary by adjusting the speed limit settings in the same menu.


Using FileZilla with InfinityFree is an efficient way to manage your website files. Whether you’re uploading new content or maintaining existing files, FileZilla provides a user-friendly interface to handle these tasks effectively. If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comments below. Don’t forget to like this post and subscribe for more tutorials!

For a deeper dive into InfinityFree hosting, including file management and advanced configurations, check out my free online course here.

Thank you for reading!

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