How to Upload Photos on Squarespace

Welcome to Ben’s Experience! In this guide, I’ll walk you through the process of uploading photos on Squarespace, ensuring you can showcase your images effectively on your website.

Step-by-Step Guide to Uploading Photos on Squarespace

  1. Log In to Your Account
    Begin by logging in to your Squarespace account at Once you’re logged in, navigate to the website you want to work on.
  2. Select the Page
    Click on the “Pages” section in the sidebar. Choose the page where you want to upload your photos by clicking on it. Then, click the “Edit” button to start modifying the page.
  3. Add a Photo Block
    To upload a new photo, select the section where you want the photo to appear. Click on the “Add Block” button, then search for and select the “Image” block.
  4. Upload Your Photo
    Click on the “+” icon to upload a new file. Select “Upload File,” then locate and choose the photo you want from your computer. Wait a moment for the upload to complete.
  5. Upload Multiple Photos
    If you need to upload multiple photos, first upload them to your “Assets.” Click on “Assets” from the menu, select “Upload,” and choose your multiple photos. Click “Open” to upload them.
  6. Select from Library
    Once your photos are uploaded to your assets, return to your page. Repeat the process to add a photo block, but this time choose “Select from Library” instead of uploading a new file. Select the photos from your library and add them to your page.

Become a Pro on Squarespace

To further enhance your Squarespace skills, consider joining my University for free! My Squarespace online course covers everything from getting started, designing and customizing your site, to advanced features and best practices. Access this valuable course and more by visiting

Final Tips

Uploading photos on Squarespace is straightforward once you get the hang of it. Follow these steps, and you’ll be able to add and manage your images with ease.

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