How to Upload a ZIP File in Hostinger

Hey everyone, welcome to Ben’s Experience! In today’s post, I’m going to walk you through the process of uploading a ZIP file in Hostinger. This guide will be especially useful for those new to Hostinger who need a straightforward method to manage their website files.

Step-by-Step Guide to Upload a ZIP File in Hostinger

Step 1: Access Your Hostinger Account

First things first, log into your Hostinger account. Once you’re in, navigate to the “Websites” section located at the top of the page. From here, select the “Dashboard” next to the website where you want to upload the ZIP file.

Step 2: Navigate to File Manager

On the left side menu, you’ll find an option labeled “Files.” Click on this, and then select “File Manager.” This will take you to the area where you can manage all your website’s files.

Step 3: Access Your Website Files

In the File Manager, click on “Access Files” for your website. This action will open up the directory where your website files are stored. It’s crucial to ensure you’re in the correct folder to avoid any mix-ups.

Step 4: Open the Public HTML Folder

Make sure to open your “public_html” folder first. This folder is typically where your website’s main files are stored and is the correct directory for uploading new files.

Step 5: Upload the ZIP File

Now, click on the little upload icon usually found at the top of the File Manager interface. A file selection window will appear. Choose your ZIP file from your laptop by double-clicking it. The upload process will begin immediately.

And there you have it! That’s how to upload a ZIP file in Hostinger. This method is quick, easy, and efficient, ensuring your files are in the right place without any hassle.

Special Offer

Before you go, I have something special for you! I’m offering two free online video courses. The first one covers hosting management and WordPress, while the second course is about using the Hostinger Website Builder to create stunning websites or online shops. You can get both courses for free by clicking the link in the description below.

If you found this guide helpful, give it a thumbs up and subscribe to Ben’s Experience. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below. Happy uploading!

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