How to Uninstall WordPress from Hostinger

Uninstalling WordPress from your Hostinger account is a straightforward process that ensures you can manage your websites efficiently. Whether you’re looking to clean up your server space or starting fresh with a new WordPress installation, knowing how to properly uninstall WordPress is essential.

Step-by-Step Guide to Uninstalling WordPress from Hostinger
  • Accessing Your Hostinger Account

  • Log in to your Hostinger account using your credentials.
  • Navigating to Websites
  • Once logged in, locate and click on ‘Websites’ from the top menu.
  • Accessing Your Website Dashboard
  • Find your website in the list and click on the dashboard button next to it.
  • Using the Auto Installer
  • In the dashboard, look for the left-side menu and click on ‘Website,’ then ‘Auto Installer.’ This section will display all WordPress installations on your domain.
  • Checking Your WordPress Installation
  • Before proceeding with the uninstallation, ensure that the WordPress installation you want to remove is selected and functioning correctly.
  • Uninstalling WordPress
  • Once confirmed, click on the three dots next to the WordPress installation and choose ‘Delete.’ Make sure to select all options presented to remove both the WordPress files and database associated with it.
  • Confirming the Uninstallation
  • After selecting ‘Delete,’ confirm your action by clicking ‘Delete’ again. Hostinger will process your request, removing all selected files and databases.
  • Undoing the Process (if needed)
  • Should you need to reverse the uninstallation, Hostinger provides an ‘undo’ link immediately after the deletion process. Clicking this link will revert your site back to its previous state.
  • Special Offer: Free Online CoursesBefore you go, don’t miss out on our exclusive offer! I’m excited to share two free online video courses with you:
  • Hostinger Hosting and WordPress ManagementUsing Hostinger Website Builder
  • These courses are designed to help you master the basics of web hosting, WordPress management, and building websites or online shops with Hostinger’s intuitive tools.Get instant access to these courses by clicking the link in the description. If you found this tutorial helpful, remember to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel for more insightful tips.Got any questions or need further assistance? Leave a comment below, and I’ll be happy to help!

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