How to Remove Credit Card from Bluehost

If you’re wondering how to remove a credit card from your Bluehost account, you’re not alone. The process can be a bit tricky, as Bluehost doesn’t offer a direct way to delete your payment method. However, there’s a workaround that ensures your credit card won’t be used for any unwanted charges.

Step 1: Log in to Your Bluehost Account

Start by logging into your Bluehost account. Once inside, you’ll notice that while you can update or edit your billing information, there’s no option to completely remove your credit card details. This limitation can be frustrating, but don’t worry; there’s a way to protect your financial information.

Step 2: Contact Bluehost Support

Since you can’t remove the credit card yourself, the next step is to reach out to Bluehost’s customer support. You can do this via live chat or by submitting a ticket. I explained my situation to the support agent, asking for help in removing my credit card from the account.

The response I received was that the issue would be escalated to the Billing Specialist Team, who would then email me with an update. While this isn’t an immediate solution, it’s essential to follow through with this step to have your request formally acknowledged.

Step 3: Disable Auto-Renewal

While waiting for a response from support, there’s an effective way to prevent any unwanted charges—disabling the auto-renewal feature on your hosting plan. Here’s how:

  1. Navigate to the Renewal Center in your Bluehost account.
  2. Select your hosting plan (e.g., WordPress Basic Hosting).
  3. Click on the option to disable auto-renewal.

Bluehost may attempt to connect you with a specialist to convince you to keep the auto-renewal active. However, proceed with disabling it by confirming your choice.

Step 4: Confirm Auto-Renewal is Disabled

After disabling auto-renewal, refresh the page to ensure the change has been processed. With auto-renewal turned off, Bluehost won’t be able to charge your credit card when your hosting plan is up for renewal. This is a crucial step in safeguarding your billing information, even if the card details remain on file.


Removing a credit card from Bluehost might not be straightforward, but by following these steps, you can ensure that your payment information is secure. While you wait for customer support to address your request, disabling auto-renewal is a practical way to prevent any unwanted charges.

For more tips and tutorials on managing your web hosting and billing information, be sure to check out other posts on my blog or subscribe to my YouTube channel.

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