
How to Make a WordPress Website with Hostinger

Welcome to Ben’s Experience! In this tutorial, I will show you how to make a WordPress website using Hostinger. Follow these step-by-step instructions to get your site up and running in no time.

  1. Log in to Your Hostinger Account Once you’re inside your Hostinger account, click on “Websites” from the top menu. Then, click on “Dashboard” next to your website.
  2. Install WordPress To install WordPress, navigate to the “Website” section and click on “Auto Installer” or “WordPress”. Click on “Install” next to install WordPress. You will need to fill in your website credentials, such as the website title, administrator email, username, and password. Click on “Next”. For the application version, I recommend using the latest WordPress version for better security. Select your site language from the drop-down menu and click on “Install”.
  3. Configure Your WordPress Site Your WordPress site is now created successfully! To customize it, log in to your WordPress dashboard. You can do this easily from the “Admin Panel” button.
  4. Choose and Install a Theme Go to “Appearance” and then “Themes”. Click on “Add New Theme”. I personally prefer the Astra themes. Activate the Astra theme and click on “Let’s Get Started with Starter Templates”. You can choose between an AI website builder or classic starter templates. I prefer the classic starter templates. After selecting your preferred template, click on “Continue”, skip any unnecessary steps, and submit to build your website.
  5. Explore WordPress Dashboard Features Once your website is ready, you can start exploring the WordPress dashboard. Here, you can:
    • Add new posts
    • Create categories for your posts
    • Add media such as photos or videos
    • Create new pages
    • Manage comments
    • Install and activate additional themes
    • Delete unnecessary plugins to improve site speed
  6. Delete Unnecessary Plugins To make your WordPress site faster, delete some unnecessary plugins like Hostinger Easy Boarding, Hostinger Tools, and Starter Templates. First, deactivate them, and then delete them.
  7. Additional Settings In the “Settings” section, you can change your site title, site icon, email address, and many other settings.

That’s it! You’ve successfully created a WordPress website with Hostinger. If you want to learn more, I have something special for you. I offer two free online video courses: one on Hostinger hosting and WordPress management, and another on using Hostinger website builder to make basic websites or online shops. You can get them both for free by clicking the link in the description.

Happy website building!

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