How to Edit a Blog Post in Hostinger Website Builder

Welcome to Ben’s Experience! In this guide, I will walk you through the steps to edit a blog post in Hostinger Website Builder. This process is user-friendly and allows you to customize your blog content efficiently.

First, log in to your Hostinger account and access the website builder. Once you’re inside, click on the blog section. Here, you will find a list of your current blog posts. To edit a specific post, simply click on it.

Editing the Blog Post Title and Description

To change the blog post title, go to the post settings from the top menu. In this section, you can also add or modify the post description, which will appear in various places such as search results and social media previews.

Managing the Blog Post Link, Authors, and Publishing Date

Within the post settings, you can also edit the blog post link, add or edit the authors, and schedule the post for future publication. This feature is particularly useful if you plan your content ahead of time.

Customizing the Featured Image and Categories

The featured image is the image that appears on your homepage and other listing pages. You can edit or change this image from the post settings. Additionally, you can manage the categories your blog post belongs to, helping your readers find related content easily.

Editing the Blog Post Header

To customize the header of your blog post, click on the edit block post option. Here, you can adjust the size, visibility of elements like the description, blog categories, author name, date, and reading time. You can also modify the top and bottom spacing or add a background to the header section, choosing between a color, image, or video. Hostinger Website Builder even offers AI-generated images if you prefer.

Editing the Blog Post Content

Editing the text of your blog post is straightforward. Select the text you want to edit and click on the edit text button. Make your changes using your keyboard. Remember to update your website to see your changes live.


Editing a blog post in Hostinger Website Builder is a seamless process that allows for extensive customization. Whether you’re adjusting the post title, managing the featured image, or editing the text, Hostinger provides all the tools you need to create and maintain engaging blog content.

Before you go, I have something special for you! I offer two free online video courses: one on Hostinger hosting and WordPress management, and another on using the Hostinger website builder to create basic websites or online shops. You can access both for free by clicking the link in the description.

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