How to Duplicate a Page in Hostinger Website Builder

Welcome to Ben’s Experience! In this guide, we will show you how to duplicate a page in Hostinger Website Builder.

Step-by-Step Guide to Duplicating a Page

  1. Access the Hostinger Website Builder: Log in to your Hostinger account and navigate to the website builder section.
  2. Navigate to Pages and Navigation: Once inside the website builder, go to the “Pages and Navigation” section. Here, you will see all the pages currently published on your website.
  3. Select the Page to Duplicate: Identify the page you want to duplicate. For this example, we’ll use a “Checklist” page. Click on the little circle next to the page name.
  4. Duplicate the Page: Click on the “Duplicate” option. This action will create an exact copy of the page.
  5. Rename the Duplicated Page: To rename the duplicated page, go to the “Rename” option. Let’s call it “Checklist 2.” You can also edit the page URL to match the new name.
  6. Manage Page Visibility: By default, the duplicated page is added to the navigation menu. If you prefer not to show it in the navigation menu, go back to “Pages and Navigation,” drag the page, and move it to the “Hidden from Navigation” section.
  7. Update Your Website: Finally, don’t forget to update your website to apply the changes.

Special Offer

Before you go, we have something special for you. We offer two free online video courses:

  • Hostinger Hosting and WordPress Management: Learn how to manage your hosting and WordPress website effectively.
  • Using Hostinger Website Builder: Create basic websites or online shops with ease.

You can access these courses for free by clicking the link in the description of our YouTube video.

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