How to Customize a Website Template in Hostinger Website Builder

Welcome to Ben’s Experience! In this post, I will show you how to customize a website template in Hostinger Website Builder. Hostinger’s website builder is a user-friendly tool that allows you to create and personalize your website effortlessly. Let’s dive into the steps and explore the features that make customization easy and fun.

1. Adding a Sticky Bar

The first customization you can add is a sticky bar, perfect for e-commerce shops. A sticky bar can announce promotions like “20-30% off for 20 users.” To create one, select the sticky section from the side panel, hit edit, and choose a distinctive color to differentiate it from the heading section. You can also adjust its visibility on mobile devices.

2. Editing the Header Section

Next, let’s customize the header section. Start by editing the website logo. Click on the logo, select replace image, and upload a new one from your computer. Adjust the logo size as needed. Then, move on to the navigation menu. You can reorder the pages, create dropdown menus, and rename sections easily. For example, to add a new dropdown, click the add icon, and drag the contact page under it.

3. Customizing the Navigation Menu

To edit the navigation menu, go to pages and navigation. You can reorder pages, create dropdown menus, and rename sections. For instance, to make the about page first, simply drag it to the top. To create a dropdown, click the add icon and drag pages into the new dropdown.

4. Adding Buttons to the Header

To make important actions stand out, you can add a big button to the header. Click on the header section, go to elements, and enable the button. Customize the button text, color, and link it to a specific page or web address. Adjust the button size and style to fit your design.

5. Managing the Product Section

Hostinger allows you to manage product displays efficiently. Edit the product layout, image ratio, columns per line, and spacing. Use filters to display products by category, and enable sorting options like price or most recent. Adjust pagination settings to control how many products appear per page.

6. Adding Sections and Titles

Adding new sections and titles is simple. Click add section, choose a blank section, and customize it. Drag and drop text elements, adjust sizes, and style them to fit your website’s look. For example, you can add a big “Best Sellers” title and make it stand out.

7. Integrating Contact Forms

Hostinger makes it easy to add and edit contact forms. Double-click the form, rename it, and customize fields. You can add short answers, multiple-choice questions, and more. Set the form submission actions, like displaying a thank-you message or redirecting to another page.

8. Adding a Subscribe Form and Social Media Integration

To grow your subscriber list, add a subscribe form. Customize the form, manage submissions, and export your list. For social media integration, add an Instagram feed element. Connect your Instagram account, set the number of items to display, and customize the layout.

9. Legal Pages and Footer Customization

Adding legal pages like privacy policies and terms & conditions is crucial. Go to pages and navigation, add the necessary pages, and fill in your details. Hide these pages from the main navigation if needed and ensure they are accessible from the footer.


Customizing a website template in Hostinger Website Builder is straightforward and offers a range of features to make your website stand out. Whether it’s adding a sticky bar, managing product sections, or integrating social media feeds, you have all the tools at your disposal. Experiment with these features and keep your website updated to provide the best user experience.

Feel free to ask questions or suggest topics for future tutorials in the comments below. Happy customizing!

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