How to Create a Subdomain and Install WordPress in Bluehost

Welcome to Ben’s Experience! In this tutorial, we’ll be guiding you through the steps to create a subdomain and install WordPress in Bluehost. Whether you’re setting up a blog, a test site, or an additional section of your existing website, this process is simple and straightforward.

Step 1: Log in to Your Bluehost Account

First, log in to your Bluehost account. Once you’re in, navigate to the Websites section. Select the website for which you want to create a subdomain, then click on Settings.

Step 2: Access cPanel

Under the Settings tab, scroll down until you find Advanced. Next to it, click on Manage to access your cPanel. This is where you’ll manage all your website files and settings.

Step 3: Create a Subdomain

In your cPanel, scroll down to the Domains section and click on Domains. Here, you’ll see an option to Create a New Domain. Click on it and enter the name of your desired subdomain (e.g., Specify the folder name where your website files will be stored, then click Submit.

After submitting, your subdomain will be created successfully. You can visit your new subdomain to ensure it’s working. If you encounter a DNS error, don’t worry—this is normal. DNS changes can take anywhere from a few minutes to 48 hours to take effect.

Step 4: Install WordPress on Your Subdomain

Once your subdomain is set up and working, it’s time to install WordPress. Go back to your Bluehost account and click on Hosting from the left-side menu. Scroll down to Quick Links and click on cPanel.

Inside cPanel, scroll down to the Software section and click on WordPress Manager by Softaculous. Click on the Install button and make sure you select https for added security. Choose your subdomain from the list.

Step 5: Configure WordPress Settings

In the installation settings, you can name your site and add a description. For the administration username, create something unique, like “Ben,” and choose a strong password. Enter your email address for site management.

Next, select your preferred language for WordPress and skip the plugin installation for now, as these can be added later. Under the Advanced Options, name your database after your website for easier management, especially if you have multiple sites.

Step 6: Complete the Installation

Lastly, you can select a theme for your WordPress site, or choose to do it later. Hit the Install button, and WordPress will be installed on your subdomain within minutes.

Congratulations! You have successfully created a subdomain and installed WordPress on Bluehost. Your new site is ready for customization and content.

Don’t forget to like the video and subscribe to my channel for more tutorials like this one. If you need further help, check out my free Bluehost course at

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