How to Buy Hostinger Web Hosting and Unlock a Free Gift ($200+ Value)

Are you ready to launch your website and searching for reliable web hosting? Look no further! Hostinger is an excellent choice for hosting your website, offering great performance, affordability, and a user-friendly interface. And guess what? When you purchase Hostinger web hosting using my link, you’ll can ask me for a free gift worth more than $200! In this tutorial, we’ll guide you through the process of buying Hostinger web hosting and unlocking your valuable free gift.

Step 1: Visit Hostinger’s Website

Start by opening your preferred web browser and navigating to Hostinger’s official website.

Step 2: Choose a Hosting Plan

On the landing page, you’ll find various hosting plans tailored to different needs. Take a moment to review the available options and select the plan that best suits your requirements.

Hostinger offers multiple web hosting plans. Consider factors such as website size, expected traffic, and budget when making your decision. If you want me to help you, check my video about Hostinger pricing.

Step 3: Choose a period

After selecting a hosting plan, it’s time to choose the subscription period that suits your needs. Hostinger offers various options, including monthly, yearly, and longer-term plans.

Step 4: Enter you email and payment information

Proceed to the checkout process by providing your email address and payment information. Hostinger ensures a secure payment process, so enter your details with confidence. Take a moment to double-check the accuracy of your information before moving forward.

Step 5: Set a New Password

As part of the registration process, Hostinger will prompt you to set a new password for your account. Follow the provided guidelines to create a strong and secure password. Make sure to store it in a safe place for future reference.

Step 6: Name Your Website

At this stage, you have the option to claim a free domain, purchase a new one, or use an existing domain. Choose the appropriate option and follow the instructions provided to complete the domain setup process. If you’re claiming a free domain, enter your desired domain name and check its availability.

Step 7: Select Server Location

Hostinger offers various server locations to optimize website performance. Choose the server location that is closest to your target audience or select the recommended option provided by Hostinger.

Step 8: You’re Almost There

After clicking on “Go to Control Panel”, you will be redirected to the hPanel, Hostinger’s user-friendly control panel. Take a moment to familiarize yourself with the hPanel’s features and layout, as it will be your central hub for managing and configuring your hosting services.

Step 9: Click on the Icon Next to Your Domain Name

Within the hPanel, locate your domain name and click on the small icon next to it. This action will open your website in a new tab.

Step 10: Check Hostinger Sent Emails

Hostinger will send important emails regarding your account setup. Check your email inbox for messages related to email address verification, payment confirmation, and a welcome email. Follow any instructions provided in these emails to ensure a smooth account activation process.

Step 11: How to Get Your Free Gift ($200+ Value)

To claim your free gift, you’ll need to send proof of your Hostinger purchase to the designated email address. Once you’ve completed the purchase and received the necessary confirmation, forward the proof of purchase to the specified email. I will review your request and reply with login credentials to access your valuable free gift.


Congratulations on successfully purchasing Hostinger web hosting and unlocking your free gift worth $200 or more! By following this step-by-step guide, you’ve gained valuable insights into the process of setting up your website with Hostinger and claiming your additional bonus. Enjoy the benefits of reliable hosting services and the added value provided by Hostinger. Take this opportunity to elevate your online presence and make the most of your website journey with Hostinger.

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