How to Add a Video (YouTube, Facebook, Computer) in Hostinger Website Builder

Adding videos to your website can enhance user engagement and provide valuable content to your visitors. In this guide, I’ll show you how to add videos from YouTube, Facebook, and your computer using the Hostinger Website Builder.

Step 1: Prepare Your Workspace

First, log in to your Hostinger Website Builder. Before adding a video, let’s create a blank section to have space to work with. This will ensure your video has a designated area on your webpage.

Step 2: Adding a YouTube Video

  1. Add the Video Element: Go to “Add Element,” click on “Video,” and drag it to the desired section.
  2. Edit the Video: Click on the video, then click “Edit Video.” Replace the placeholder link with your YouTube video link.
  3. Customize Settings: Adjust settings such as autoplay, looping, and video controls. You can also add animations and resize the video element.
  4. Visibility Options: Manage the video’s visibility on mobile and desktop devices.
  5. Delete if Needed: If you need to remove the video, simply delete the element.

Step 3: Adding a Facebook Video

  1. Locate the Video: Find your video on Facebook and copy the video URL.
  2. Facebook Embedded Video Player Configurator: Use this tool to generate an iframe code for your video.
  3. Add the Embed Code Element: In the Hostinger Website Builder, add an “Embed Code” element.
  4. Insert the Code: Double-click the element to replace the placeholder text with your Facebook iframe code.
  5. Preview the Video: Your Facebook video should now appear on your webpage.

Step 4: Adding a Video from Your Computer

  1. Upload to Google Drive: Upload your video file to Google Drive.
  2. Get the Embed Code: Open the video in a new window on Google Drive, click on the three dots, and select “Embed item” to get the embed code.
  3. Add the Embed Code Element: In the Hostinger Website Builder, add an “Embed Code” element.
  4. Insert the Code: Double-click the element to replace the placeholder text with your Google Drive embed code.
  5. Preview the Video: Your video should now be visible on your webpage.

Final Steps

After adding your videos, don’t forget to update your website to make the changes live. Preview your site to ensure everything looks good and functions properly.

Bonus: Free Online Courses

Before you go, I have something special for you. I offer two free online courses:

  • Hostinger Hosting and WordPress Management
  • Using Hostinger Website Builder to Create Basic Websites or Online Shops

Get these courses for free by clicking the link in the description. If you found this guide helpful, give it a thumbs up and subscribe for more tutorials. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.


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