How to Add a Payment Gateway in Hostinger Website Builder

Welcome to Ben’s Experience! In this guide, I will show you how to add a payment gateway in Hostinger website builder. Setting up a payment gateway is crucial for managing your online store and processing transactions efficiently. Follow these steps to integrate a payment gateway into your Hostinger website.

Step-by-Step Guide to Adding a Payment Gateway

  1. Access the Online Store
    • Once you’re inside your Hostinger website builder, click on the Online Store icon to start setting up your store.
  2. Activate Your Store
    • Set up your store and ensure it is activated. This will enable you to configure your payment settings.
  3. Navigate to Store Manager
    • Go to the website builder and click on the store manager to manage your store settings, including payment options.
  4. Set Up Payments
    • You can either click on the setup payment button or go to Store settings and look for the payments section. Here, you will find different payment gateway options.

Available Payment Gateways

  1. Local Go
    • Local Go is a payment gateway popular in Latin American countries. You can add it by following the instructions provided in the payment settings.
  2. PayPal
    • To add PayPal, go back to your Hostinger website builder and click on connect next to PayPal. Note that you need a PayPal business account to receive payments through PayPal.
  3. Stripe
    • To connect Stripe, click on connect, fill in your email address, and follow the process to complete the integration.


Integrating a payment gateway in Hostinger website builder is a straightforward process that enhances your online store’s functionality. By following these steps, you can add Local Go, PayPal, or Stripe to your website and start processing payments efficiently.

For more tips and tutorials on using Hostinger website builder and managing your online presence, stay tuned to Ben’s Experience!

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