How to Add a Navigation Menu in Squarespace

Adding a navigation menu is a crucial step in creating an organized and user-friendly website on Squarespace. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of adding and customizing your navigation menu to enhance the overall functionality and appearance of your site.

1. Access Your Squarespace Account

To begin, log in to your Squarespace account by entering your email address and password. Once logged in, you will be directed to your dashboard.

2. Select the Website

Choose the website you want to work on by clicking on the website button below the site’s name.

3. Navigate to Pages

Head over to the “Pages” section to start managing your navigation menu. Squarespace’s navigation menu system consists of two main parts: the main navigation and the not linked section.

4. Understanding Navigation Menu Sections

  • Main Navigation: This is where the primary pages of your website should be located. Pages in this section will be visible on your site’s main navigation bar.
  • Not Linked: This section is for pages you want to keep off your main navigation menu, such as terms and conditions or privacy policies.

5. Adding and Rearranging Pages

To add a new page to your main navigation menu, simply drag and drop it from the “Not Linked” section to the main navigation area. You can also reorder the pages by dragging them to your preferred position. For example, if you want to make the “About” page appear first, move it to the top of the list.

6. Removing Pages

To remove a page from your navigation menu, click on the trash bin icon next to the page and confirm the deletion. This will remove the page from both the navigation menu and your website.

7. Customizing Your Navigation Menu

If you need to edit a button or link in your navigation menu, go to the “Pages” section and click on the edit button. You can modify the button text, change the link, or adjust the button’s design. To remove a button completely, select it and click on the trash bin icon.

8. Preview and Save Your Changes

After making your changes, preview your website to ensure everything looks and works as expected. Refresh your site to view the updated navigation menu.


Adding and customizing a navigation menu in Squarespace is straightforward once you get the hang of it. For more in-depth guidance on using Squarespace, including additional features and tips, consider enrolling in my free Squarespace course at

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