
How I Get Hostinger Domain Privacy for FREE

I was not asked how I get Hostinger domain privacy, but I decided to write a short article on the subject.

Domain privacy is a service offered by many domain registrars that allows you to keep your personal information (such as your name, address, and phone number) private. This is useful if you don’t want your information to be publicly available, or if you’re concerned about identity theft.

Hostinger offers domain privacy for no additional fee (totally free).

To add privacy to your domain, log into your Hostinger account and click on the “Domains” from the top menu. Then, select the domain name you want to apply it on and enable domain privacy. Once you’ve completed these steps, your personal information will be hidden from WHOIS lookups.

If you have any further questions, feel free to leave a comment below. I would be more than happy to assist you further. 🙂

I hope this was helpful and thank you for your time!

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